Not everyone in the world gets beautiful hearts. A beautiful heart is a priceless gift from God. So not only humans but also animals have beautiful hearts. Especially the dog is the animal with the most beautiful heart in the animal world. This is because they are very good at understanding the emotions of any animal, not just humans. There is no animal in the animal world that can compare to the dog.

Kahlua is such a wonderful dog. But she is very different from other dogs. Because her back legs are not working properly. However, she is a very sweet and cute dog. She is a rottweiler mix. One day, unexpectedly, she fell from the third floor balcony of her previous home. As a result, Kahlua broke her spine and hip and lost the function of her hind legs. Because of this, her previous family rejected her. Moreover, no one wanted to adopt her. Her foot problem is the main reason.
But luck was still with her. Kahlua was adopted by Lori Dugas and her family who live in Port Charlotte, Florida. They had no problem with her feet. They understood that she also needed a comfortable, loving, happy life just like every other dog. She is really a very loving dog. Kahlua met a wonderful friend in this house. It was Dugas’ young son, Caleb. The two were very best friends. That bond was amazing and it was very strong.

Sometimes they spend the whole day together. One day, Dugas released a wonderful video of Kahlua and her little boy on the Internet, which unexpectedly became viral everywhere. Millions of people watched it. It was because Kahlua was teaching the little boy how to get around. According to this video, the dog and little Caleb are crawling along the ground with their arms or front legs, back legs dragging behind.
It’s really wonderful. The little boy was crawling along the ground and following the dog. Kahlua taught the little boy how to crawl along the floor very well. It is truly amazing to see a dog in this condition and behave like this. Now she is a part of their family.