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Broken Leg Rottweiler Mix Dog Shows Baby How To Crawl.

Not everyone in the world gets beautiful hearts. A beautiful heart is a priceless gift from God. So not only humans but also animals have beautiful hearts. Especially the dog is the animal with the most beautiful heart in the animal world. This is because they are very good at understanding the emotions of any animal, not just humans. There is no animal in the animal world that can compare to the dog.

Credit – Kahlua The Par. Dog

Kahlua is such a wonderful dog. But she is very different from other dogs. Because her back legs are not working properly. However, she is a very sweet and cute dog. She is a rottweiler mix. One day, unexpectedly, she fell from the third floor balcony of her previous home. As a result, Kahlua broke her spine and hip and lost the function of her hind legs. Because of this, her previous family rejected her. Moreover, no one wanted to adopt her. Her foot problem is the main reason.

But luck was still with her. Kahlua was adopted by Lori Dugas and her family who live in Port Charlotte, Florida. They had no problem with her feet. They understood that she also needed a comfortable, loving, happy life just like every other dog. She is really a very loving dog. Kahlua met a wonderful friend in this house. It was Dugas’ young son, Caleb. The two were very best friends. That bond was amazing and it was very strong.

Credit – Kahlua The Par. Dog

Sometimes they spend the whole day together. One day, Dugas released a wonderful video of Kahlua and her little boy on the Internet, which unexpectedly became viral everywhere. Millions of people watched it. It was because Kahlua was teaching the little boy how to get around. According to this video, the dog and little Caleb are crawling along the ground with their arms or front legs, back legs dragging behind.

It’s really wonderful. The little boy was crawling along the ground and following the dog. Kahlua taught the little boy how to crawl along the floor very well. It is truly amazing to see a dog in this condition and behave like this. Now she is a part of their family.

Man Finds Skinny Stray Dog On Desserted Island.

This world definitely needs kind people. Because this world needs kind people to become a good place to live. Only kind hearts come forward to help especially innocent animals. Many animals’ lives are saved because of such people. Today we are going to tell you such an amazing story.

image : Wesley White

One day a man named Wesley White was kayaking off the coast of Belize. But it was not a normal day for him. He was kayaking when he saw something amazing near a fishing shack on a remote island. It was a puppy stuck on that island. The puppy was hungry and he was very thin. Only his skin was left. But he was very friendly. Wesley called out to people, but no one seemed to be there. No one was actually there. So he did not know how the dog got to this deserted island.

image : Wesley White

But having a kind heart, he decided to help the dog. Because he could no longer stay on that island. After arriving on land, he decided to take the dog to a vet as soon as possible. He then named the puppy Vincent. But he could only stay on land with the dog for a very short time. Because 36 hours later he had to drive from Montana to Dallas.

But after that trip, he decided to reunite again with Vincent. Vets continued to treat the dog. They kept in touch with Wesley to update him on the dog’s recovery. But he was not sure if the dog would recognize him when he returned. It wasn’t really difficult for the dog to recognize him. Because he knew Wesley very well. Eventually he started a new life with his owner and his friends at Wesley’s house.

Rescued Mama Dog Amazingly Gives Birth to 14 Puppies.

Everyone in this world needs protection. Not only humans but animals also need protection. You must know that pregnant mothers especially need care. So not only humans but pregnant animals also need special care. If you’re a pet owner, you probably pay special attention to your pet when they ready to give birth. But street animals do not get such protection. But because of some golden hearted people, they also get lucky to start a new lease of life.

image – Youtube Screenshot/The Dodo

Carter is such a man with a golden heart. He had never thought of taking care of a pregnant pet dog. And he had no experience about it. But after seeing this street dog named Pebbles, he decided he had to help her. Because when he met her, she was ready to give birth. Therefore, he realized that she definitely needed someone’s protection. Because the road is not a safe place for give birth. So he took her to his house.

image – Youtube Screenshot/The Dodo

About two weeks after Pebbles arrived at Carter’s home, she gave birth to her pups. He initially guessed that she would give birth to five or six litters. At around 2 am she gave birth to five puppies. So he thought it was over. But he was not correct. She gave birth to more puppies. She continued to give birth to puppies and Carter was very excited when the puppies arrived one by one. Finally she gave birth to 14 pups, and Carter was completely amazed.

image – Youtube Screenshot/The Dodo

Although she gave birth to a large number of pups, she loved them all very much. And she fed everyone very well. She is truly a great mother. And Carter didn’t throw these puppies to the street. He fed and cared for them very well and prepared them all for adoption. They all turned out to be beautiful puppies. One day a new family came to adopt Pebbles. But it was an emotional day for Carter.

Owner Saves Her Rottweiler After Getting His Collar Caught In The Elevator Door and is Dragged Up to The Ceiling.

Being a pet owner is not easy. Because when raising a pet, special attention should be paid to them. Rising a pet is like raising a kid. Because at any moment they can get stuck in any problem. Sometimes even a small mistake can lost their lives. Because they don’t understand some things. Therefore, when adopting a pet, you should be careful about them. This is a good example of that.

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Ryerson University student Tamara Seibert is an owner of two dogs. She often taking her dogs through the elevator of her building. It is very normal for her and her dogs. On that day, as usual, she was taking the elevator to the ground floor of her building with her dogs. At first everything was normal. But within a few seconds, she and her Rottweiler had to face an unexpected incident.

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She was taking her dogs into the elevator. There her Rottweiler’s leashes got caught in the door. Meanwhile, the elevator began to descend. Then her dog lifted into the air by his collar. She couldn’t to think of anything at once, Tamara started to pull on it. Then she quickly pushed the elevator buttons to trying to open the doors while her dog hung onto the elevator door. She tried her best to ripped at his metal collar. Because she wanted to get him off somehow.

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He is a large dog weighing about 110 pounds. The dog had hanging for approximately 30 seconds. The elevator doors then opened and the dog fell to the floor. The skin on her hands was torn open by the dog’s metal collar. But she opened the doors with her feet, with cradling one hand in the other to let the two dogs out of the elevator. All this was recorded on the elevator cameras and everyone who watched the video said that she was a real hero. Because if she didn’t act like that, her dog would definitely have lost her life.

A Dog Who Has Never Been Inside Before Takes His First Nap in a Bed.

Everyone should have a comfortable and beautiful life. It is everyone’s right. Not only humans but every animal should have a beautiful, comfortable and happy life. But the reality is that not everyone receive such a life. Some people have never seen what a comfortable and beautiful life is. So such a life is their dream. Today we are going to tell a story about a dog who dreamed of a beautiful life.

image – Reddit/Mugglequeen

Sunday is a Coonhound/Labrador retriever mix. She did not spent a beautiful life from the beginning. She lived her whole life in a junkyard and a chili garage. Her life was not easy at all. She had neve entering a home. And she didn’t know what a comfortable life is. She was spent very difficult life and gave birth to a litter of pups. But fortunately one day Country Road Animal Rescue Society saved her from that life.

image – Reddit/Mugglequeen

After that, she started experiencing things that she had never experienced in her life. She got everyone’s love. She loved her foster mother, the Mugglequeen, very much. She has never been an indoor dog before. But in the moment she lay in a bed for the first time, she closed her eyes very happily. And her face was filled with relief. Because she had never got such a comfortable sleep.

They gave her all the veterinary care she needed. The Mugglequeen named her Sundae and she became a very beautiful, obedient and loving dog. Now her favorite area is her bed. She sleeps there very happily and comfortably.

image – Reddit/Mugglequeen

Especially she always likes to cuddle with her foster mom. So Sundae likes to sleep as close to her as possible. She is an 8-year-old dog and she had not received any affection in those 8 years. Maybe she never thought that she would have such a beautiful life. The Mugglequeen said she would stay with her until she found her perfect forever family.

4-week-old Rottweiler Found Frozen in Freezer at Puppy Farm.

There are many hidden places in this world. We cannot even believe some of the things that happening in those places. Some people who in those places do amazing things. It is impossible to imagine whether people actually live in those places. Because they do many things that humans cannot do. Today we are going to tell you a story about such an unbelievable place. See how much difficulties the dogs who lived in this place have faced.

image : RPCA/SWNS

One day the RSPCA officers got the unbelievable news. That is about dogs who spending a very dirty and difficult life in a property. After receiving that information, they went to check that place. There they saw something unbelievable. They did not expect such a scene at all. It is difficult to believe that such a place exists in this world. The property was very dirty and the dogs lived in very dirty kennels. They lived an unbelievably hard life.

They found mix of different breeds at the place including beagles, Dalmatians, spaniels and dachshund mixes. Some of the dogs were pregnant and there were a few litters. It seemed like a dog farm. Some of the dogs seemed to have been used for breeding. One dog was sitting uncomfortably in a dirty, wet cage and was not in a good mental health. And when they checked the refrigerator there, they found something more unbelievable. It was a severely frozen four-week-old Rottweiler puppy in the freezer. That was very dirty.

image : RPCA/SWNS

There were about 20 dogs and all of them had various health problems. Some were at the final stage of life. None of them had received proper nutrition and veterinary treatments. They checked this farm after reports that 4 puppies bought from this farm had lost their lives. Most of the dogs lived in completely dark, cold cages, and some were completely weakened. The owner of this dog farm was a 39-year-old man. They started investigating him regarding this incident.

Rottweiler Amazingly Found After More Than Seven Months Missing – He Was Too Weak.

Being separate from pet is something no pet owner can bear. Because many pet owners love their pet more than their own lives. So they want to live with their pets till the rest of life. But unfortunately not everyone is lucky enough to live like that. Often unexpectedly they have to separate from their pet. This is such a story.


Ruger is a Rottweiler dog who is very loyal to his family. His owners loved him very much. But one day they face a very unexpected incident. One day he was lost in their Mount Vernon Road back yard. His owners did not expect anything like this. He can’t see anything properly and don’t hear properly. About a week before Ruger’s lost, he started behaving very strangely. So the owners thought that he had gotten confused and wandered off. Also, he is a 14-years-old dog.


The owners started looking for him everywhere. But they could not find any information about him. Around the same time, several other dogs in the area went missing randomly, so they thought that someone might have taken their dog as well. Months passed. They llooked for the dog everywhere every day. But they could not find him. They speculated that the dog must have wandered into the woods and perhaps ended its life there.


They also asked the help of the dog rescue teams. Also, they searched for information about him by sharing his photos on social media. They did not give up hope. They hoped that one day their beloved Rottweiler would return. When the winter season started, they started thinking about how their dog would bear the cold. Mrs Jean, one of Ruger’s owners, said it would be better for him to be loss life than to live a difficult life with extreme cold and hunger.

One dag, after about 7 months he went missing, something unexpected happened. They were able to find Ruger wandering around nearby. He was very tired and very weak. His appearance clearly confirmed that he had not received proper nutrition from months. He was very thin. No one really knows where he was or what happened to him. But he had no other problems. He seems largely OK. But his past was don’t care to the owners and they just wanted to become their dog to the healthy and strong dog.

Dog Who Had His Ears Torn off Is Amazingly Ready to Start New Happy Life.

Some dogs have to face various difficulties not only because of people but also because of the dogs. Because some dogs don’t like some dogs. So they always tries to bite each other and they don’t like each other at all. If you are a dog owner, you may have faced this situation many times. So today we are going to tell you a very heartwarming story of a dog who faced such an incident.

Image – Legend’s Journey

Two women who were walking on the road heard a loud noise of several dogs coming from a house. Realizing that something was wrong, the two women went to check it out. Then they saw two pitbull dogs biting another dog. They were tearing him to shreds and it was truly a heart-warming incident. The two women couldn’t figure out what to do. So they called animal control as soon as possible and the three dogs were taken to Greenville County Animal Care.

When they found the dog, he had already lost his left ear. The right ear was also hanging off a thread. He was covered by lots of bite marks. Some were very deep. The condition of the dog was not so good. The vets said he was a small dog so he couldn’t survive the incident. They named him Legend and began the treatment he needed as soon as possible. He was treated for several days and given fluids and put on a feeding tube. After a few days he started to get better.

Image – Legend’s Journey

In the meantime, his veterinary bills began to mounting. But Rescue Dogs Rock NYC offered to pay those bills, so his treatment could continue. Everyone was really surprised about this dog’s life was saved. Everyone said it was a miracle. He has lost both his ears. And he is covered with scars. But after a few weeks he became a very happy and healthy dog. And he always loved hugs. If the two women not saved him, his life might have ended on the spot. Ears are most important part of a dog’s. But he started new life without his ears. Finally he found a forever loving family.

Family Dumped Their Loyal Dog At The Shelter Because They Were Having A Baby.

People are so amazing. They adopt animals for various reasons. But they don’t really love animals. Because they only expect some benefit from those animals. There are many such people in this world. So, because of such people, the hearts of innocent animals are broken a lot. Today we are going to tell you such a sensitive story.

Image : Preethi Pillaipakkam

Rocco is a 3-year-old German Shepherd. Like all dogs, he trusted his owners very much. He never thought that his owners would dump him. He wanted to live with them till the end of his life. But the heart of Rocco’s owners is not as beautiful as he thought. One day his owners brought him to the Dallas Animal Shelter in Texas. It was to leave him there. Even the shelter staff were so excited by their incredible decision.

Image : Preethi Pillaipakkam

They decided to leave this innocent dog at the shelter because they were going to have a baby. By the time he was brought to the shelter, he had lost a lot of weight. And after the owners left him, his heart broke a lot. One day, a visitor who heard Rocco’s story and took a video of him and posted it on internet. It was to find a loving owner for him who would never leave him again.

As a result, Preethi Pillaipakkam, a foster through DFW German Shepherd Rescue saw this video. She decided to completely change Rocco’s life and she adopted him. They quickly became very good friends and Rocco never left her side. He trusted his new mother very much. And she loved him very much. Rocco’s videos quickly became popular on social media and Preethi started a social media account for him. Now he lives very happily with his new kind mother.

Image : Preethi Pillaipakkam

Two-legged Dog was Threw Out of The House by Her Owner Due to He Had Only Two Legs.

People adopt animals for various purposes. Some people adopt animals out of love for them. And some other people adopt dogs for protection. Also, people with golden hearts take in and adopt animals that need love and care. But such people are very few in this world. But there are some people who throwing animals to the streets who need love and care so much.

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Although this story is a few years old, it is a very sensitive and heart-warming story. A very cute puppy was born in 2002. But he had lost two legs at birth and only had two back legs. One front leg is shrunken and totally unusable. Because of this, her mother also refused to feed him at birth. And her owner is someone who does not know what kindness is. Therefore, the owners thought that they could not save the little puppy’s life because his health condition was not good. So they threw her on the street like garbage.

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She had to face very difficult life in the street. Because she only had two legs, living on the road was not easy at all. No one came to help her. But thankfully, a woman with a golden heart named, Jude, saw her and her family decided to adopt her. She named her Belief and she received a lot of love and care from them. Mrs. Jude also brought a skateboard had actually designed for her. She had to practice to how to using her back legs to move forward.

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It took her several months to learn how to walk with it. After about six months of relentless training, she was able to walk very well. Amazingly she could stand up straight and run anywhere she wanted on her hind legs. And she became a very happy and loving dog with everyone.