Rottweiler is one of the most popular dog breed in the world. They are best as a gaurd dog for any family. But unfortunately most people don’t understand how valuable they are. They have Great intelligence to understand anything very quickly. But even for such wonderful dogs have to face heartbreakimg fate because of some heartless people.

This rottweiler known as Coco Puff, was completely abandoned by her owners. She is just 3 years old. And she is well behaved and gentle dog. She is so innocent, she loves to have her head rubbed. She was left in the backyard of the Fisher Avenue home. Fortunately,three days later someone called the police, and she was discovered. She was sleeping on a concrete slab in the backyard and was attached to a very short chain leash. She couldn’t move even little bit. She had no food or water. The temperatures were cold outside and it couldn’t endure her. Finally authorities rescued her.

The pipes in the home burst on Christmas Eve and it forcing the tenants to evacuate. But the dog’s owners were forced to leave her behind. It was a very unkind decision. How can an owner leave his dog like that. In the end dog’s owner told to media that when they were forced to evacuate, they couldn’t take rottweiler in the Uber or keep her at the hotel. May be it was true.was not a good enough excuse for law enforcement. But this is not the right solution for that. It was not thr good enough excuse. Thanks to authorities Coco Puff was rebounded and she is ready for adoption by a new family.