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Rottweiler Spent 3 Days Stuck on Roof of Her House Without Foods or Water. But Owner Didn’t Care About Her.

No matter how strong and brave dogs are, there are times they need someone’s help. Dog lovers know how strong, big and brave a breed Rottweiler is. But no matter how strong and brave they are, there are days when they also need someone’s help. This is such a story.

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D’Andre Berger of Youngstown, Ohio was a Rottweiler owner who had a very large and obedient dog. One day, a gang of unknown men broke into his house. After the incident, he went to his friend’s house for a few days. But surprisingly, he didn’t pay any attention to his dog. He thought only of himself. He didn’t care about what happened to the Rottweiler after this incident. True pet lovers never do that.

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He thought that the gang must have taken the dog. Otherwise, Berger thought, she must have run somewhere. Because after this incident the dog was nowhere to be seen. He really didn’t care about his pet. But he did not know that the dog was still in the house. Three days after the incident, Berger’s neighbors saw something unbelievable on the roof of his house. That is, his dog was waiting on the roof. None of the neighbors wanted to approach the dog.

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But realizing she needed help, they quickly alerted animal control officials. Then officers arrived at the home and one brave officer climbed onto the roof and successfully got the dog down. She stayed on the roof for three days without food or water. So she was already very weak and dehydrated. Animal control officials guessed that she had lost at least 30 pounds. Then they tried to figure out how the dog got on the roof.

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There they found that the dog had run to the roof through a hole to save its life. But unexpectedly the dog got stuck on the roof. There was no way she could get back down. So she had to stay on the roof for three days without food or water. After the rescue, the dog was given food on the spot and she ate it all very quickly. Finally officers decided to put her up for adoption because owner no longer wanted her.

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