Having a Rottweiler dog is truly a blessing in life. They are an incredibly obedient breed. But it’s our job to help them reach their full potential. This breed is gentle, loyal and charming. They have a very deliberate personality. And they are incredibly intelligent. Therefore, when properly and consistently trained, they become very obedient dogs. Rottweiler dogs in particular are one step ahead of their human owner when it comes to sensing anything. That’s because of their excellent sense of smell, keen hearing and diverse eyesight. This is a wonderful story of one such Rottweiler.
69-year-old Chris McCarron’s son Chris Jr. left life at the age of 43. And after that, Chris sold his business and got divorced. After this incident, he suffered a mental breakdown. He hoped that getting a dog would help him revover his grief. So he went to the dog rescue center in West Calder to adopt a dog. Jack the Rottweiler soon won Chris’s heart. Accordingly, he bought this Rottweiler without thinking twice.
A wonderful bond quickly developed between them. While walking around the rescue center, Jack meets a wonderful woman named Margaret. She also fell in love with the Rottweiler and promised to keep her updated on his progress. Eventually their friendship developed and Margaret and Chris got married. It was thanks to Jack that the two met that the Rottweiler became the adorable bestman at their small wedding.

Chris and the Rottweiler used to go for walks every morning. But one morning Chris didn’t come out of the room to go for a walk. So Chris didn’t wake up in the morning so the Rottweiler went to his room to check on his owner. Chris was collapse in the room from a massive sugar drop, and the quick-thinking dog then reached for his owner’s limp arm hanging from the side of the bed until he reached around. There he woke up looking at Jack’s face.

Doctors said that if it had been late, it would have been difficult to save his life. Jack is a Rottweiler who previously worked as a rescue dog for several years. And once was a guard dog at a tennis court. He has saved his owner’s life twice more after alerting him to get help.