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10-month-old Brave Rottweiler Saves His Owner From Unknown Man’s Grab.

The Rottweiler is one of the most wonderful breeds in the dog world. They are quite an aggressive breed by nature, so many people avoid adopting them. But the Rottweiler is a wonderful breed that can be very loyal to their owner. They must be train for that. It should start with basic commands and then progress to more challenging instructions. Then they become more obedient and loyal dogs. In particular, they come forward at any moment for the life of their owner. This is a wonderful example of that.

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Hercules is a very sweet 10-month-old Rottweiler who lives with his owner. Although he is only ten months old, he has a very good understanding of everything. That’s because of the very good train given to him by his owner, Catalina Humphrey. Hercules is a very large Rottweiler weighing around 110 pounds. Heis a very obedient dog who is very loyal to his owner. It is very common for the two of them to walk down the street. One day, as usual, they were walking on the road in Woodlands, Texas. As they were walking a stranger approached them from behind. He grabbed Humphrey’s shoulders at once.

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Hercules did not believe his behavior at all. He reacted so quickly that neither the man nor Humphrey could imagine what was happening. Hercules immediately jumped on the man and started biting him repeatedly. With great effort, the man got up and fled the place as quickly as possible. Finally, the protective instincts of the very large and intelligent Rottweiler protected his owner. Humphrey immediately called security officers who were searching the area, asking them to search for the man. They then took DNA samples from Hercules’ mouth and Humphrey’s shoulders. Also, medical centers in the area were checked to see if a man with dog bites had come for treatment. In the end, Hercules got a nice, juicy bone and a dog spa day for saving his owner’s life.

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