Many people always dream about adopting a pet dog. But not everyone is like that. Some people don’t love animals at all. Some of these people are do very shocking things to animals. We hear stories about such people all the time. So today we are going to tell you such a emotional story.

This is a puppy farm in Kennett that sells puppies. Many people bought puppies from this shelter and on several occasions members of the public raised concerns concern that the health condition of the puppies was very poor. Then Several members of the RSPCA visited the property to inspect it. Accordingly, while inspecting this property, they found a shocking things. The dogs were living in dark, cold kennels, and several other dogs were found living in dirty makeshift runs.

Inspector Lamport said that some were pregnant and others had litters of puppies. And some had been used for breeding previously. Some lived almost completely in the dark, while others were huddled at the back of their runs, Mr Lamport said. They found twenty dogs on the property, including beagles, dalmatians, rottweilers, spaniels and dachshund crosses.

The most heartbreaking incident was they found a frozen baby Rottweiler when they searched the refrigerator. The four-week-old puppy’s heart had stopped. They also found several cats in this shelter.