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Owners Sold Their House and Their Dog Walks 60 Miles Alone For Find His Old House.

Most people think that dogs’ intelligence is not so strong. But, dogs have a stronger intelligence than we think. They can keep in mind everything very well. Home is the most comforting place for humans as well as dogs. So losing their home is something they can not afford. We are going to tell you a love story about such a dog.

Cleo is a 4-year-old Golden Labrador dog living in Kansas. One day, Cleo’s owners decided to change their home. So, they left their old home in Lawson, Missouri, and moved into a new home about 60 miles away. They also did not forget to take their beloved dog. Their new home was located in the town of Olathe. But after they left the house the dog’s owner, was upset when knowing that the dog had gone missing. He could not imagine what was happened to the dog.


But, few days later the owner was excited to what was hear. Cleo had gone to their old home. Colton Michael, the current owner of the old house, was amazed at what he saw when he came into the living room. Cleo went to the living room and sat down as usual. At first they tried to close to dog, but it was not easy. But she continued to walk around the house. Later, they were able to get close to dog.

They were able to find out the details of him by his microchip in the collar. Accordingly, the couple was surprised to when knowing that this dog was none other than the dog of the old owner of this house. They contacted the dog’s owner. Cleo’s journey is truly amazing. She walks and found her old home. But she must have been excited to see strangers in her house. So think, how strong is her memory. It would be not a easy journey for any human. She is the only one who knows whether she used shortcuts or crossed rivers in this journey.

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