Some dogs have to face various difficulties not only because of people but also because of the dogs. Because some dogs don’t like some dogs. So they always tries to bite each other and they don’t like each other at all. If you are a dog owner, you may have faced this situation many times. So today we are going to tell you a very heartwarming story of a dog who faced such an incident.

Two women who were walking on the road heard a loud noise of several dogs coming from a house. Realizing that something was wrong, the two women went to check it out. Then they saw two pitbull dogs biting another dog. They were tearing him to shreds and it was truly a heart-warming incident. The two women couldn’t figure out what to do. So they called animal control as soon as possible and the three dogs were taken to Greenville County Animal Care.
When they found the dog, he had already lost his left ear. The right ear was also hanging off a thread. He was covered by lots of bite marks. Some were very deep. The condition of the dog was not so good. The vets said he was a small dog so he couldn’t survive the incident. They named him Legend and began the treatment he needed as soon as possible. He was treated for several days and given fluids and put on a feeding tube. After a few days he started to get better.

In the meantime, his veterinary bills began to mounting. But Rescue Dogs Rock NYC offered to pay those bills, so his treatment could continue. Everyone was really surprised about this dog’s life was saved. Everyone said it was a miracle. He has lost both his ears. And he is covered with scars. But after a few weeks he became a very happy and healthy dog. And he always loved hugs. If the two women not saved him, his life might have ended on the spot. Ears are most important part of a dog’s. But he started new life without his ears. Finally he found a forever loving family.