People are so amazing. They adopt animals for various reasons. But they don’t really love animals. Because they only expect some benefit from those animals. There are many such people in this world. So, because of such people, the hearts of innocent animals are broken a lot. Today we are going to tell you such a sensitive story.

Rocco is a 3-year-old German Shepherd. Like all dogs, he trusted his owners very much. He never thought that his owners would dump him. He wanted to live with them till the end of his life. But the heart of Rocco’s owners is not as beautiful as he thought. One day his owners brought him to the Dallas Animal Shelter in Texas. It was to leave him there. Even the shelter staff were so excited by their incredible decision.

They decided to leave this innocent dog at the shelter because they were going to have a baby. By the time he was brought to the shelter, he had lost a lot of weight. And after the owners left him, his heart broke a lot. One day, a visitor who heard Rocco’s story and took a video of him and posted it on internet. It was to find a loving owner for him who would never leave him again.
As a result, Preethi Pillaipakkam, a foster through DFW German Shepherd Rescue saw this video. She decided to completely change Rocco’s life and she adopted him. They quickly became very good friends and Rocco never left her side. He trusted his new mother very much. And she loved him very much. Rocco’s videos quickly became popular on social media and Preethi started a social media account for him. Now he lives very happily with his new kind mother.