People have to face different events on different days. Sometimes people have to face strange experiences when they move to a new house. Some such incidents are so special that they will never be forgotten. So, if you are moving to a new house, you should expect such unexpected things. This man also had to face such an incident.

A man in St. Louis moved into a new house. After moving into a new home, it is normal to thoroughly inspect every part of the house. Especially the basement should be check. So he and his family opened the basement door and turned on their flashlights. An unexpected incident happened there.
They saw a tail wagging in the basement. It’s a surprise. It is a dog. She was excited to see them and someone had tied her in basement. After seeing the dog, he could not believe his eyes. They released the dog as soon as possible and the dog was very happy to see them. She couldn’t stop jumping up and down and giving hugs.

Someone must have tied the dog in this place. It is definitely in the hope of ending her life. When searching the information, it was found that someone had been occupying the property. He had left a pile of garbage and other things, as well as the dog. He cannot really be human. Because no one can leave such a beautiful and loving dog like this. There was no food or water for her at that place. Had they not found her, her life would surely have ended.

She is a pit bull. However, she was nicknamed ‘Jumping Bean’ due to her exuberant personality and joy at the time of rescue. She is a very lovable dog. She shows her love to everyone she meets. A group of volunteers came to the house and they took her away. There she got a very beautiful and safe life.