The Rottweiler is an smart breed with have higher instinct than other dogs. They can understand anything very quickly. And when something goes wrong, they feel it before everyone else. That is because their instincts are high. So their ability of saving the lives of others is very high. Today we are going to tell you a story about such a dog.
Roxy is a very intelligent big talented Rottweiler. He lived with his owner, Johnny Hawkes, in an apartment in Burry Port. Johnny is not the only Rottweiler owner. He has raised over 20 exotic pets in his home. He has been raising these animals for about 15-16 years. But he never thought Roxy would save those animals lives and his life.
One evening Johnny went for a nap while preparing dinner. But he did not know that smoke was coming out of the kitchen while he was sleeping. But in a few more minutes the whole house was about to turn to ashes. But fortunately Roxy felt that something was going to wrong.

He began to bark loudly as loudly as he could. But Johnny did not wake up. He was in a very deep sleep. So Roxy kept barking until a neighbor knocked on the door to stop this wrong. Luckily a neighbour heard the Roxy’s unusual barking sound. They came to Johnny’s house as soon as possible to find out what was going on.
There they saw smoke coming out of the apartment. Then they quickly knocked on the door and woke Johnny. By then it had been about thirty minutes since it had started. Thanks to Roxy, all the animals were safe. The rescue service were here within a few minutes of the call. The animals were all well, but Johnny took Roxy to the vet to confirm Roxy’s health.