Raising a pet is as much a responsibility as raising a baby. But some pet owners do not take that responsibility seriously. When raising a pet you should always pay attention about their safety. Because even the small mistake can lost their life. Therefore, you should always pay attention for them. Because they are like little kids. They always need your protection. The story of this Rottweiler is the best example of that.

None of us can stay in a closed hot for several hours. At least on a day with very hot weather, you can’t even stay outdoors for hours. But one day a heartbreaking incident happened in Padstow, a southwestern suburb of Sydney. It was a very hot day and a Rottweiler dog was sitting in a Toyota Sedan car, parked on Gibson Avenue with the engine running. Temperatures topped 30C in Padstow on that day. On such a hot day the temperature inside a car can be as hot as 70 degrees. No one can bear it. But this dog had to endure that temperature.

Fortunately, passengers passing by the car saw the incident. Realizing that something was going to wrong, they informed the local authorities as soon as possible. Bankstown traffic and highway patrol officers then arrived at the Gibson Avenue runway as quickly as possible. Few Minutes after the officers arrived, the owner returned to the car. The dog got out of the car as soon as possible. But his condition was not good. So the dog was taken to the nearest veterinarian as soon as possible. But it was too late. By then, the poor dog was lost his life. There is one thing that everyone should keep in mind. That is, even if the air conditioners are working, keeping kids, adults or pets in a hot car for hours is not a good idea at all.