Puppies are like little babies. Little kids cannot live without their parents. Because they know nothing. So they need parental guidance to adapt to the new world. They also need the love and care of their parents. It is common not only to the human world but also to the animal world.

Nicole Olson and her six-year-old daughter Harper had an unexpected encounter one day at a remote rest stop between Wigley Flat and Kingston on Murray in South Australia. While they were having lunch there, they heard an unusual noise coming from a bin, which was concrete on the outside and metal on the inside. That sound just ike a sound of a small baby. So they went to the concrete bin to check what this noise was. Mrs. Olson removed the lid and they could not believe what they saw there. Inside the concrete container was two 20kg dog food bags with coat hanger wire wrapped around the zip locks to seal them shut. Unusual noise was coming from those two bags.

The mother and daughter untied the wire as soon as possible and found eight five-week-old puppies inside the two bags. Their hearts were completely broken. They could not imagine who could do such a thing. Unfortunately, two puppies had lost their lives and the other six puppies were in poor health. They were all covered with fleas. They were also dehydrated. The mother and daughter gave water to the six puppies as soon as possible. The temperature that day was 25C. Being in a concrete and metal bin on a day with such a high temperature is by no means an easy thing. Even the survival of the other 6 puppies is an amaze.

Ms. Olson then called to family members in two other cars to transport the puppies with comfortable. They then divided the puppies into three vehicles. Upon returning home, the RSPCA SA took the puppies to a veterinarian as soon as possible. All were covered with fleas and dehydrated. After a few days of treatment their condition gradually began to improve. And the RSPCA SA staff lovingly cared them until they found permanent houses.