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Rottweiler Approached to Comfort Stranger in Park Who Just Lost His Dog

Many think that Rottweiler is a very aggressive and disobedient breed. But that is not correct. Rottweiler owners are well known of how gentle and obedient they are. Properly trained and socialized Rottweiler dogs are very gentle. This is an incredible example of that.

Image : Tiktok/@natomacpierson

This is Nato. He is a very loving gentle Rottweiler. One day he visited to the park with his father, Dan McPherson, to have fun as usual. Many people come to this park with dogs. So that day something amazing happened to them in this park. While Nato and Dan were in the park, an older man arrived and sat on a bench nearby. He was alone. At first Dan didn’t care much for him. Because there are so many people in the park. But after the man sat down on the bench, Nato’s behavior changed a bit. Amazingly, Nato locked eyes with him. Dan could not imagine what is the special of this man. Dan looked at him and saw that his mood was not so good.

Image : Dan McPierson.

Nato wanted to approach to this unknown man. Dan realized that. So he gave the dog permission to do that. Nato fell in love with him as if it they had known for a long time. Dan could not imagine when such a bond developed between them. Dan recorded all of this. There the stranger told Dan he had a girl dog who was just like Nato in her ways. Then Dan remembered that this man would come to the park with the dog some day. But most unfortunately his dog has recently left life. From that day on his heart was broken and he could not live without the dog.

Image : Dan McPierson.

But he said he felt some relieve after petting Nato. Because Nato is like a man’s dog. He also fell in love with the man. So he was very proud to see his dog brightening the day of someone who needed it most. Nato can understands the feelings of the people very well. Eventually the two became good friends because of Nato.

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