The dog is an amazing animal. They are the best friend not only of human but of the whole animal world. Their instincts are excellent. You may have heard of the heroic Rottweiler, who saved many human lives from a flood. Today we are going to tell you a story about another heroic dog who saved the lives of thousands of turtles.

One day the state of Texas was faced to an unusual snowstorm. As a result, much of the state was covered in snow and ice. Also, many areas without electricity or water for several days. Not only humans but thousands of animals also had to face this unexpected incident. So unfortunately more than 9,000 sea turtles were found cold-stunned in the waters along the shore. Many of these turtles had left life and many more needed treatment. Therefore, members of the sea turtle rehabilitation centers and the Texas Game Wardens of the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department worked hard to save these sea turtles.

They saved the lives of about 5,000 turtles. Another wonderful someone helped them to save turtles. Saul aka Salsa, a trained detective dog. He is a German Shepherd dog. He used his sharp sense of smell to search for sea turtles stuck in the cold water. Accordingly, he helped humans to save the lives of dozens of turtles. With his sharp eyes and sharp sense of smell, he was able to respond to reacting to clues that humans would’ve missed. Accordingly, he found about forty sea turtles that humans had missed. So these turtles will live for many more years.