Rottweiler dogs are one of the most intelligent breeds in the world. Because of their intelligence, they are also among the ten most intelligent dogs in the world. Rottweiler dogs and their instincts are so advanced that they are naturally adept for saving lives. So today we are going to tell you a story about a heroic Rottweiler who respected the whole world and saved 37 human lives.

The Vargas flood is the biggest natural problem that faced Venezuela after in 1812. Venezuela faced this incident in 1999. The torrential rain caused to lost thousands of livestock. Meanwhile, the family of Vargas pilot Mauricio Perez also faced this incident. Two Rottweiler dogs and five puppies, a cat and Perez’s kids and wife were lived in his house. An unprecedented rain recieved to the Vargas state. December 15 and 16 reached it’s peak, and by noon on the 15th the behavior of the Rottweiler dog Orion began to change completely.

His behavior was very unusual. Anyone couldn’t to understand why the dog behaving like this. But that night everyone knew the reason for the dog’s behavior. A very huge storm was speeding through their area. Perez went to the terrace of the house with his family and animals for protection. Rain did not stop until the next morning. Orion felt all this early. But his heroism did not end there.

Rescue teams arrived to rescue people in the next morning. But Perez’s family could not take the dogs with them. Meanwhile, Orion ran across the terrace and jumped into the water. Everyone was confused. Because he had no reason to jump into the water. While everyone was watching, he was swimming towards a girl who was barely holding on to a log in the water. He then grabbed her by the arm and dragged her to safety. She was an eight-year-old little girl and her life would have ended if Orion had not saved her. Moments later the dog jumped into the water again. There he saved the life of another 14-year-old girl.

No one was able to stop Orion. He wanted to save the lives of people who stuck in the water. So he continued to work with rescue teams to save peoples. As a result, the family didn’t receive any information about Orion. They began to search for what had happened to Orion. But they did not receive any information. But two days later, something unexpected happened. Two days later, a radio reported about a heroic dog, who had saved the lives of 37 people. But Perez never thought it was Orion. But neighbors also talking about Orion’s heroism. Eventually number of television shows invited to Orion for television shows. He was also awarded the Medal to Valor and was honored by other non-governmental institutions. But unfortunately in 2008 Orion closed his eyes foreve as a heroic dog who saved 37 human lives.