A super hero living inside the most people. But that super hero is only living in kind people. Some people try to save the lives of others without even thinking about theirown lives. It does not matter to them whether it is human life or animal life. Because life is a life for them.

Raden Soemawinata is such a young man. He really has a golden heart. But we all have very difficult days. That day was also a very difficult day for Raden. Because he went to Brighton Pier in Melbourne, Australia that day to scatter his grandmother’s ashes. It was a very difficult moment for him. But while he was there, something unexpected happened. While he was at the pier, a small Maltese-Shi Tzu dog fell into the water. He is a very small dog. So the strong winds coming across the bay pushed him off of the pier and right into the water. His owner was completely confused. There was no way he could escape. Someone must jump into the water to save him.

Without thinking twice, Raden jumped into the water wearing only shirt. He did not even think about his life. Everyone gathered to see what would happen. But Raden was snatch him up and bring him back to the pier successfully. Drummond, the owner of the small dog, was very happy that his dog survived. Because of that pleasure she hugged him very tightly. If he had not been there, things would have probably turned out very differently. It’s a wonderful day for Raden. Because as he was saying goodbye to his grandma, he had the chance to save another life. He’s a real superhero. Because no one came forward to jump into such deep water to save the life of a small dog. But he jumped into the water to save the little dog’s life without even thinking about his own life