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Girl Takes Her Dog On One Last Car Ride, the Dog’s Facial Expression was Very Emotional

The dog is the closest animal to human life. The dog can adapt to the humans’ lifestyle very quickly. So from ancient times the dog has been man’s best friend. To most dog owners, their dog is like a family member or their own kid. Therefore, many pet owners cannot afford their separation.

Image : Inside Edition/Youtube

Libra is one of the lucky dog who had such a loving family. Libra the Pit Bull mix was just a little puppy when she was brought to the Kramer house. Then she was a very cute, sweet dog. Like a little baby. She soon created a special bond with April, the daughter of the Kramer family. She was Libra’s best friend and sister. April was then 8 years old. They lived very lovingly for many years. April and Libra grew together. But 15 years later, senior Libra’s health began to down little by little. She had a number of lung problems. After several treatments, her situation was quite clear. But veterinarians said she did not have much time left.

Image : Inside Edition/Youtube

Libra has always been a very good girl. Innocent Libra’s bladder was inactive. They could not to see how she would bear theswle health problems Because she could not bear them. So the family decided to face the last scenario. But April had one last thing to do for her beloved sister, Libra. She very much loved to ride cars. So girl decided to roll down the window and let her enjoy her favorite experience on her final drive to the vet. She looked at peace as she felt the fresh air. She breeze and treasured the passing scenery with her eyes closed one last time. She has now crossed the rainbow bridge. After sharing photos of Libra’s last car ride on social media, it quickly shared everywhere.

Image : Inside Edition/Youtube

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