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Owner Decided to Put Down His Dog Because He is Overweight

We all usually love our dogs a lot. There is no limit to that love. Most of the time our dogs just like our kids. Sometimes they are like our family member. Therefore, we can never bear to be separate from them. But some pet owners do not. They do not love their dogs very much. We are going to talking about something that such an owner tried do to his dog.

Image : Youcandothiskai

The Golden Retriever is one of the most beloved breeds in the dog world. There is no one who does not like this breed. But some heartless humans do not really love any animal. Kai is such a lovely Golden Retriever dog. One day his previous owner took him to the vet. There he made a surprising request to the vet. He told the vet to put down the dog. The vet was confused by this request. The owner has made this decision because of Kai’s overweight. But the vet could not agree with his request. He contacted Misfitz of the Alberta Animal Rescue Organization as soon as possible.

Image : Youcandothiskai

There Pam Heggie was put together with the dog. Their goal was helping Kai to find a home and to lose his overweight. He was the heaviest dog the vets had ever seen. When the dog first went to his new foster home, he weighed 172 pounds. Since that day, he has dropped over half his weight. Because they gave the dog proper exercises and diet plan he needed. When Kai first arrived, he took 20 minutes to climb the small set of stairs outside of his new foster home. And Heggie took him for a walk every day. At first it was not easy for him. He walked 5 or 10 steps and then lay on the floor and began to panting. But they continued to walk every day. Gradually he began to lose weight. Gradually, the exercises that were difficult for him began to become easier. Eventually, thanks to the efforts of Heggie and the vets, he became a beautiful and normal dog.

Image : Youcandothiskai

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