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Sleepless-Dog Lay Beside Woman And Closed Her Eyes For 1st Time After Being Rescued

We are not the only ones who need love and kindness. Love and kindness is absolutely essential also for animals. Because those are essential things for living. Where there is love and kindness, we feel safe. It’s not just for us, it’s also for animals. This is the best example of that.

Image : Howl Of A Dog/Youtube Screenshot

Life in shelters is not a beautiful one. So life is not a beautiful one for this shelter dog. This dog named Bella lived in a dog shelter in Romania. Due to the economic difficulties in Romania, the shelters do not get enough food from donors. As a result, dogs do not get enough food and nutrition. So Bella also became a dog that was getting weaker day by day and she also lost a lot of weight. And she has never been loved by anyone. Life in the sheter was not a pleasant for her at all. It broke her soul. She never slept well in the sheltwr. She really did not sleep. Because she doesn’t feel safe in her kennel.

Image : Howl Of A Dog/Youtube Screenshot

One day, fortunately, Howl Of A Dog, a rescue group in Romania, began searching for her forever home. Because she’s a really sweet dog. For that, they took her out of the shelter. The rescuers first head straight to the vet. She was sitting beside her new human friend in the car. When this new human friend showed her love, she realized that her life was going to change. In the meantime, something very sensitive happened. Bella’s eyes slowly began to close.

Image : Howl Of A Dog/Youtube Screenshot

The woman next to her was very kind. Also the car was very calm and quiet. Bella felt safe near this kind woman. She places her head on her rescuers lap. Her eyes start to close peacefully. Bella began to sleep and breathing peacefully without any doubt. Having never slept well in the shelter, sleeping so comfortably next to thi kind woman. She wanted to take a nap in someone’s arm. She felt a safe from them. It is a truly heartwarming incident. From that day on Bella has found her forever family. And she started living a happy life. And this is a wonderful example for shelter dog’s first moments of peace. Finally, once she completely recovered she will be up for adoption.

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