Dog is man’s best friend. But man is not the dog’s best friend. Because some people deal with dogs not like a friend. Some people do not know what kindness is. So some animals have to left their lives because of such humans. This is a very sensitive story about a Rottweiler dog who faced unfortunately fate.

As usual, RSPCA received information about an abandoned Rottweiler in Yorkshire. After receiving that information, they went to rescue the dog as soon as possible. There they saw something heart warming. This dog, which was thrown like garbage, was in the last stages of life. Her health did not good at all because of what people done for her. Because she had many health problems. They took the Rottweiler to the shelter and started the treatment she needed as soon as possible. She was also given the nutritious food she needed. They named her Molly and a few days later she started to gradually recover.

But the condition of her behind legs was not good at all. Vet said the legs could not be restored. As a result, Molly could not walk. She had to crawl to go wherever she wanted. That’s because her muscles are so weak. But fortunately RSPCA funders was given a wheeled buggy to Molly. So thanks to the kind people, she got a new lease of life. Because it is a special item that designed specifically for dogs that cannot walk. At first a lot of people thought she would never be able to walk. Moreover, she was adopted by a loving family in Silverton. There were two other Rottweiler dogs in the house and they became her best friends. She began to enjoy a freedom she had never experienced before in her life. Because of the wheeled buggy she was able to go anywhere she need.