Hiking is one of the most popular hobbies in nowdays. It brings many mental and physical benefits and new experiences to the life. So this is not only for humans but also for domestic dogs. Hiking is a great exercise for dogs who stay indoors throughout the day. It’s also a great exercise for their mental health.

You may know, regular exercise is most important for large breeds such as the Rottweiler. Because their body weight and strength are very high. Today we are going to tell you about an unexpected incident that happened to a Rottweiler dog and its owner who is very fond of climbing. Kinga Szpakiewicz often went to hiking mountains. Her Rottweiler, Lusha, also travels with her on many occasions. They both spend a few days on hiking trips. But one day they had to face an unexpected incident. One day she and Rottweiler went on the three-day hiking trip on the Sespe Creek Trail in Los Padres National Forest.

On the third day of their trip, Lusha’s leg hit by a rock and she couldn’t to walk anymore. As a result, the Rottweiler could not even move. So, Kinga got into big trouble. Because Lusha was a very big dog, it was not easy for Kinga to pick her her down. And their car was 4 miles away. She had no solution. She also had no any satellite communication facility. But fortunately another group of hikers came to help them. They contacted the Upper Ojai search and rescue to get help to bring the dog down.

They brought a streacher as soon as possible and put the Rottweiler on it and picked it up and came down. Of course, this was not easy. Because they had to cross rivers, rocks, and other obstacles. Rottweiler’s leg condition improved after treatment. However, if you are going to travel places like this, keep in mind that satellite communication is most important.