We all like to live happily. None of us want to lose our happy and freedom in life. Because happiness and freedom are two of the most important things in life. It is common not only to us but also to animals. This is also common to our closest animal, the dog. Dogs also love to live happily and freely. But some dogs are completely confused by what humans are doing for them. The story of this helpless dog is a perfect example of that.

Stuart is a homeless dog found in a forest in Georgia. So he was rescued and took to the Whitfield County Animal Shelter. There he got food and care. But Stuart is very different from the other dogs. He did not want to be friends with anyone. He sat quietly in the corner of the kennel all day. One day photographer Rebecca Rood was walking in this shelter and saw Stuart. He was sitting quietly in the corner of his kennel and he was constantly staring at the down. He wanted to hide from people and the world. He does not like anyone comes to him. When someone approaches Stuart, he growls aggressively at everyone. He really did not trust anyone.

After learning all this, Rebecca realized that something was wrong with her in the past. She realized that the thick belt around the dog’s neck had made him very uncomfortable. Staff members tried to remove it, but he growled them all. But Rebecca slowly went to his kennel with Stuart’s permission. She took some photos of him and posted them on her Facebook page. These photos were seen by SNARR Director Courtney Bellew. Courtney went to see the dog as soon as possible. She took the dog to the vet and gave him a number of treatments. Eventually they also removed the belt around his neck. Surprisingly he became a different dog after removing belt.

Removing that belt was like he got a lot of freedom. Then Stuart began to play and wagging his tail. His behavior changed completely and he only needed further treatment. Thanks to Rebecca, innocent Stuart got a new happiely life.