The lives of innocent animals are worthless to most people. They think only about their lives. People are so busy with the modern life that they do not have time to think about animals. And some people do not want to think about animals. A large number of stray dogs lose their lives Within a year. But if people pay attention to them, this situation can be changed.

Today we are going to tell you about the most unfortunate and difficult incident faced by such a stray dog. Most stray dogs have a lot of health problems. This dog also had a lot of health problems and even worms lives in her body. Old and weak she was wandering on the streets. One day she tried to enter through a closed gate and she got stuck there unexpectedly. She tried to get out of the gate but she was completely stuck there. No one came to help her. Many people walk past her. She starved so much and thirst. She had nothing to do for herself.

But there are still kind hearts in this world. Those kind people who saw her informed the rescue officers about the dog and they had to act quickly. Her body was stuck between the bars of the gate so they had to cut them off. After the dog, known as Dottie, was released, she was taken to a rescue center. She was in the final stage of her life. Because her health was not good at all. This rescue center has the best medical treatment in the area and the veterinarians started treating her. They gave her medicine and nutritious food. She was then placed in a safe place to rest. Fortunately, she soon began to recover. She was an adult dog but now she is very strong.