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Rottweiler Mom Gives Birthday To 16 Pups. What An Amazing Dog

Having so many kids is truly a blessing. It’s a dream come true for some people. Not only humans but also animals have that dream. As you know, Rottweiler is a dog breed that is skilled and strong in every way. The average Rottweiler mother gives birth to 6 to 12 pups at a time. But today we are going to tell you a different story.

Image : LeeMcLean / SWNS

Have you ever heard about a Rottweiler mother who gave birth to 16 pups at one time? A Rottweiler mother in the UK, she has given birth to 16 puppies and is one of the largest litter in the UK ever. Roxy the Rottweiler dog is owned by Mark Marshall, a security officer. He, his wife Laura and their little son loved to her so much. She was like a family member for them. When they found out she was pregnant, they took her to the vet for a scan. After a scan, the veterinarian said she had a maximum of six pups in her womb.

Image : LeeMcLean / SWNS

The scans can be pretty accurate, so they believed the result. But really they are not always right. The story of this Rottweiler mother is a perfect example of that. One morning Roxy started giving birth to pups. They found out one of the pup in the kitchen. Then they heard a noise downstairs and theu went to check it out. There they found Roxy hiding behind the sofa. So, they put her in her bed.

Image : LeeMcLean / SWNS

She gave birth to 13 pups at about 12 noon. The owners of Roxy, who were expecting six or seven pups, could not really believe this. It was a surprise to them. Because, in the end, she gave birth to 16 pups. When the Rottweiler pups grew up, Marshall started found loving homes for them and kept one for Himself and the Family.

Image : LeeMcLean / SWNS

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