Some of the dog activities really bring a big mental reliefo to our minds. Psychiatrists say that petting a dog is very important for our mental health. This dog is such a sweet dog. His story will surely bring joy to your heart.

The previous owner of this big plush bear was Jacqueline Este. But she adopted a dog three years ago. So from that day on that teddy bear was owned by this dog named Habs. He was actually a very sweet dog and he loved Teddy Bear very much. He has been inseparable from the teddy bear. In fact, Habs’ best friend and brother was this teddy bear. He could not live without this toy for a moment. He was fell in love with it. He loves to to bring the bear all around the house. Not only that, if someone picks up Teddy Bear, he will follow that person until he gives it back.
One day Jacqueline wanted to wash this teddy bear. So she put Teddy Bear in the washing machine. Surprisingly, throughout Teddy Bear’s bath time, Habs never left his side. Habs wasn’t moving for anything. He spent the whole bath time, staring at the teddy bear spinning in the washing machine. It’s really funny. But, maybe he must have thought that his friend would never come back. According to Jacqueline, this incident was a gloomy experience for his mind. He must have thought that his friend was in big trouble.

In the middle of the night, Habs woke up to find his bear in the washer and dryer. Then, Jacqueline took him downstairs and showed him where his bear was. After that he continued to sleep with Teddy Bear.